Cooking becomes much more exciting with Samsung’s AI technology

Samsung’s smart technology can identify the ingredients in the refrigerator and provide recipe suggestions based on them.

The updated Samsung Food app makes meal planning and food management much easier for users. With the new Food List feature, you can add items to your shopping list by simply taking a photo of the contents of your refrigerator or pantry.

The app can suggest recipes based on the available ingredients, automatically remove items from the list as they are used during cooking, and re-add them to the food inventory when checked off from the shopping list.

Samsung’s Food List feature was previously available through the SmartThings app and the built-in tablet on Family Hub smart refrigerators. Now, integrated into the Samsung Food app, it can become a truly versatile service for shopping, food management, meal planning, and cooking.

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Using the smart features of Samsung Food isn’t free. These new features are part of the paid subscription service called Samsung Food Plus. The service costs $7 per month (or $60 annually) and, in addition to the Food List capability, it removes in-app ads and provides customized weekly meal plans.

Furthermore, users will have access to AI-powered recipe customization and the ability to track their dietary goals through this service. The app is available on iOS, Android, and the web, and a Samsung account is required to use it.

Samsung states that Samsung Food Plus now creates meal plans based on your food list, prioritizing items that are nearing their expiration date. Additionally, the new “Search with Your Food List” feature allows users to easily find recipes based on the ingredients they already have.

The standout feature of the new Samsung Food update is known as Vision AI. This functionality uses the phone’s camera to identify and add food items to the food inventory list.

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